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What does it all mean?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by toasterica, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. What does it mean when you take HUGE hits without even realizing it?

    What does it mean when you can hear people who aren't present talk about you?

    What does it mean when you can move your body without consciously trying to do so?

    What does it mean when your body is constantly emanating waves of vibrations?

    What does it mean when you cannot understand how long a second lasts?

    What does it mean when you feel alive and dead at the same time?

    What does it mean when you can feel pain without it hurting?

    What does it mean when you feel completely indifferent?

    Is this bad?
  2. i believe it means that your tripping balls...unless u mean u feel like that when ur not.
  3. Im pretty sure it means you should smoke a little less, or lay off the uppers.

  4. what he said lol ha that made me think the same thing...
  5. sounds like emo lyrics to me.
  6. It means you are on the cannabis, my friend! :hippie: and by the sound of it, it's better than the shit I get 'round here.... Lucky bastard...
  7. WEED! Your high as fuck. and not used to it.
  8. Schizophrenia?
  9. No it's not bad, next time look up the side-effects of weed before toking
  10. Jesus I don't even think this stuff on shrooms....
  11. ill answer these in order from top to bottom

    smoking weed
    you are a time traveler
    you love S&M

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