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What does avb mean? What can I do with weed I already vaporized?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Hamachi12, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. So its something like after vaped something... Cant figure it out but i know its about already vaped weed. Can I make canna butter with this? What can I do with it? 

  2. My wife makes all kinds of yummy treats with it. I like to save it up and make a big batch of butter to keep her cooking.
  3. ABV = Already been vaped [bud]
    AVB = Already vaped bud

    both are the exact same, but avb is more common to use
  4. I heard that it is possible with the AVB to consume it via oral ingestion that would give you effects.

    I can not confirm, but it sounds very plausible. And yes, you should be able to cook with it, but it may not be that potent since it is already vaped. Good luck!!!

    Sent from my iPhone on the moon
  5. Waste of a thread.
    Use the search bar

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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