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what does 40-80-140-260 mean?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by envious, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I'm not down with the lingo here - could someone explain what this means?
  2. They appear to be even numbers divisible by 40. Also when you refer to down you live in Canada.... Where are you down from? The north pole?
  3. Probably how much an 8th, quarter, half ounce and ounce cost. Just a guess :)
  4. 40 an 8th, 80 a quarter, 140 a half and 260 an ounce?

    seems a bit pricey :p

  5. Says Mr. Amsterdam :mad:

    You lucky son of a gun :p
  6. Those are numbers bro.
  7. A chick with mad measurements?

  8. This^

  9. Definitely this. :p
  10. Very pricey if you live in Canada.
  11. If those are prices in yo area, it better be some amazing stuff or it better come with a handy j
  12. maybe

    1/8th is 40
    1/4 if 80
    1/2 is 140
    Ounce is 260

  13. Here in MD, if those are Dank prices. Then wow great prices. If its for Mids. TOOO expensive.
  14. cheapest 8th you get here is 60 bucks tell me where you live
  15. 40 - a somewhat expensive quarter of mids
    80 - a very expensive half of mids
    140 - a very expensive ounce of mids
    260 - a very expensive 2 oz of mids

  16. Do you live in the arctic circle?

    NOTHING is cheaper than $60?!?!

  17. those are definitely not all divisible by 40.
  18. No, just probably the east coast US. 60 1/8th of dank here is pretty lucky as well. Sometimes I can get 50 or 55, but never cheaper than that.

  19. good one haven't heard that one before......

    yeah thats probably what it is

    At first I thought I might be N-P-K in a fertilizer but there are 4 numbers and those would all be rediculous ammounts in a fertilizer. Wow I need to take a break from homework haha
  20. I know. I have to pay 60 a lot where I'm from too, but it's not like there is never anything less.

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