What do you usually say when people ask why you smoke

Discussion in 'General' started by FID, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. My friend asked me why I smoke weed knowing its illegal. To get high, look cool, etc?. so I told him "if a law is unjust then it's not only right to disobey it it's my obligation"

    What do you usually say when people ask this because
  2. cause thats my shit lol I like to.
    makes me a better person :D
  3. I'm a musician. It's part of the job.
  4. to look cool? thats why everyone smokes
  5. 420 blaze it faggot.
  6. Because I like it bitch...stop asking stupid questions.

  7. It's just what he asked me its probably what a lot of people who never told think
  8. I do it just so i look cool. Just like everyone else
  9. I play bass to look cool...I smoke weed because...fuck you that's why.

  10. Thats an odd opinion.
  11. Bass players never look cool. I would know because I am one :laughing:
  12. I'm the coolest looking bass player there is.

  13. That's a quote from Thomas Jefferson not really an opinion lol.

    OT: Because I like to get high :smoking: :D
  14. gain perspective, think clearly, insomnia, appetite problems, focus problems in school, anxiety, to help figure out who I really am inside. to name a few haha, a better answer would be why not?
  15. because if I didn't then I wouldn't

  16. You're pretty original, OP. Are you 12? Are you really smoking weed solely because you need to disobey the law?


    Thomas Jefferson was referring to tyranny, corruption, and more than marijuana.
  17. I live my life by my own moral code...I rarely think about the law really.
  18. That's the shit I do like
  19. why u gona let a group of people tell u that you can't use what's on the earth for what you want? we were born here, its ours to share

  20. Enjoy freedom while you have it.

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