What do you think?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by THE_SHRUB, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Found this on the web:


    12 inch tall.
    18.8 mm 0r 19mm Down stem
    14mm Glass on Glass Bowl.
    7mm glass thickness.
    about 2 inch diameter
    Price: 69.99

    This seems like an awesome price for a 7mm mini bong! obviously its china glass but still 7mm!!!

    What do you guys think?
  2. Looks dope! Id get it for $70!!

  3. Looks good, Id want a longer one though, 12 inches is kind of short
  4. ^insert thats what she said joke here...

    Ya i think im gonna get it.. i wish that i could get a bigger one but consealment is a must for me unfortunatly and my 20 inch black leaf was not so good at playing hide and seek :p
  5. Looks like the tree percs are going to be the 1st things to break :eek:
  6. yeah dodo is china ware...I know one of the websites they purchase from, the mark up is ridiculous and the function is low end at best.

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