What do you think about this?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by viper11smith, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. What if evolution was working toward something. Bear with me.

    You have to think that the level of feeling -- the spectrum of emotion that we experience -- we can say objectively is "fuller" or more complex than any other organisms experience. By these same standards we acknowledged that we are "more evolved" "more advanced" than other species, further along. In order to be further along something there must be a destination, or an end point or at least checkpoints toward an infinite better.

    Better traits exist through natural selection purely for reproducing offspring the best. Is this entirely true? Don't some traits shown in humans seem to be related to living fulfilling lives, avoiding childbirth. These traits could be natural side effects of ease of survival and adaptation to surviving in society, one that is structured and now connected more than ever. How quickly do these traits adapt to our environment? Evolution works fast. The amount of dog breeds stemming from wolves is staggering considering we have been domesticating dogs for only around ten thousand years.

    So maybe we haven't really finished taking into account what causes mutations to continue and spread into new traits, ie evolution. We don't have any data from a post wild survival period of any species and we are one. Maybe evolution takes a new turn, unhinged by survival it reaches for a new peak, traits are steered by new values, new needs. What is the desired end there? Something would need to take survivals place on the pedestal. and after that? Do we continue to reach higher. newer, fuller conscious spaces. Do we continue taking in more and more of the universe around us until we are the universe, conscious of itself?

  2. #2 Hello there!, Dec 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2012
    How do emotions make humans better? We are certainly different than any other animal, hence our unique classification. But are our emotions what separate us from other animals? When a mother bear protects her cubs; isn't that love? Or possibly greed (since she could view her offspring as possessions)? If you kill an adolescent bear, won't the mother feel angry, even want revenge?

    The evolved action is not necessarily the best option, simply the first successful one. Once something works, there's no reason for it to stop. It may be one of the least efficient options - but it works. Once it no longer works, some mutation may survive it, or cure is found. How many species have cured something?

    It depends on the population, the environment, and the communication within the species. The more efficient (or plentiful) they are, the faster it is.

    Where did that info come from?

    I think we'll gain more memory, at the cost of processing power...
  3. Evolution has no direction, it's aim isn't to make anyone better, but more fit for purpose. Traits that evolved in creatures as once advantageous can be lost, evolution can move backwards as well as forwards.

  4. So evolution has no direction yet can move backwards and forwards? Contradiction.
  5. [quote name='"viper11smith"']

    So evolution has no direction yet can move backwards and forwards? Contradiction.[/quote]

    Not really, he means like it has no set goal or direction, it can move forward or backwards, ot doesn't HAVE to move forward in our advantage, it can also take away advantages.
  6. What species has lost advantages? I think of evolution as getting rid of the unnecessary parts. I agree with no forward or backward, but isn't there a "best adapted" for the situation(currently, humans)? Wouldn't a species losing an "advantage" not really be said species losing this advantage? Not really advantageous if it's no longer needed...

    As for the whole pinnacle of evolution, it'd be nice to think we're working toward something. I think that's more of not wanting life to be pointless though, similar to how some people view religion.
  7. [quote name='"SuperSilverDaze"']

    What species has lost advantages? I think of evolution as getting rid of the unnecessary parts. I agree with no forward or backward, but isn't there a "best adapted" for the situation(currently, humans)? Wouldn't a species losing an "advantage" not really be said species losing this advantage? Not really advantageous if it's no longer needed...

    As for the whole pinnacle of evolution, it'd be nice to think we're working toward something. I think that's more of not wanting life to be pointless though, similar to how some people view religion.[/quote]

    That's pretty much what I ment with the first part of you post.
  8. [quote name='"Gr33nD42"']

    That's pretty much what I ment with the first part of you post.[/quote]

    Ahhh, ok. That makes sense then. At least from what I understood evolution to be.

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