What do you think about this i found?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Fijj, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. "The world is subjective. Your preception on things can be cognitively changed. So in reality, if you have mastered your mind, you will feel no fear, no mental pain, no sorrow because you can essentally change the world as you see it. Intelligence isn't about "street smarts" and "book smarts", which is just ideas and senses that others had precieve to be the truth, and that most just consider it the truth because thats what they are told. This shows that Truth is non-exsistant, unless Truth is not found by the senses of a human, which is impossible. Don't blindly follow others opinions, make your own opinons of subjects of your liking. Yet never be inconsiderate about others opinions. You are both, in reality, wrong."

    Someone wrote this, thought it was pretty legit
  2. I agree to an extent.

    There are some collectively agreed on must-haves that we all must put up with as long as we are here, however. Gravity, love, emotional pain, "bad stuff", .etc.

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