what do you regret the most....

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by chikkybabe, Nov 12, 2003.

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  1. So far, I regret nothing. If I had to write a memior of my life, It would be titled something like \"A life of no Regrets.\" I live my life how I want to, if someone else doesn\'t like it then they can kiss my bald white ass.

  2. that must require alot of mantinance.....?

  3. me too. i am too far away from home, and have been gone way too long
  4. I have too many things in my life that I regret to name them all and I am still young, but the thing that gets me everytime I think about it is the wasted relationship I could of had with my family after my father died I built a wall around myself and I never interacted with his part of the family, and they never interacted with me for reasons unknown, but communincation is a two way thig I could of tried but it is too late nnow, and I also regrete all the times I could of told a girl how I truely felt about them abd never did and I lost the chance but atleast for know I have this remaining half-bag and this 40 oz to deal with before my homework.
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