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What do You prefer straight pot or mixed with tabacco

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Anton-Tokin, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. What do You prefer straight pot or mixed with tabacco i like straight pot
  2. wtf? who mixes with tobacco? lol
  3. Australians lol
  4. a spliff is tobacco and weed in a joint
  5. people that smoke tobacco and pot frequently mix them. personally i dont really like smoking cigarettes. my dads addicted and will probably die from it, which kind of turned me off from the beginning. if im with my good friend who mixes with tobacco i wont turn down a hit or anything, but i never have tobacco myself, and i will turn down a cigarette after a blunt. maybe not a black and mild tho.. depends on how gone i am.
  6. Weird how common it is in Europe and Australia. In my opinion, you really bring the quality of the smoke down when you add tobacco. The herb tastes much better on its own.

    Plus, it won't kill you.
  7. #7 korey, Oct 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2009
    I don't enjoy spliffs, at all. I like to smoke my pot, get fucking baked, than smoke a cigarette. Much more enjoyable, for me. ^_^
  8. Cool man
  9. leave that tobacco alone
  10. I used to enjoy spliffs. I don't smoke cigs now anymore. So no more spliffs either. When I lived with my old roommate he was all about the spliffs, the guy could also smoke about 5 or 6 cigs in about an hours time. Anyway we would roll a couple before hittin the bars and it was a good way to catch a quick buzz yet feel high, I dunno, it felt different than just smokin a bowl.
  11. I wont ever let any tobacco touch my weed ever. Strictly dank here dont smoke tobacco.
  12. same my brother
  13. Weed and tobacco tastes like shit....

    And tobacco is a waste, dont pay to kill your self.
  14. I smoke spliffs. Always have, always will. It's a European thing i guess.
  15. lol i just smoke the herb now. nomore backy. i dont funk with it period. same with alcohol. im not up for the slow suicide deal
  16. Most of Europe and Australia. That includes the UK too. In fact, most of the world outside of the US mixes it with tobacco.

    I like both. It depends on the strain, and also whether you're smoking alone or with someone else. Most of the time if I'm smoking alone I prefer a pure weed joint or to just use my pipe to save weed. If I'm sharing it, or it's a strain that tastes really nice with tobacco (Any variety of Skunk tastes lovely with tobacco, which is why they're so popular in the UK), then I smoke a spliff (Weed/tobacco mix).

  17. I think it's worthwhile to note that cigarettes are the only product on this earth that, when used as directed, will kill you. So, no tobacco here. To each his own, though. Everyone should be free to make their own choices.
  18. straight mary jane. tobacco doesnt appeal to me. but i love the taste of some good herb
  19. Spliffs are where its at in England, there are many pros and cons with spliffs - most are fairly obvious. I don't smoke cigarettes anymore and its nothing to do with the nicotine it just makes a joint last longer and burn smoother (especially with wet weed).
  20. I started smoking weed to stop tobacco really
    It has helped alot.

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