What do you look for in a guy/girl?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by See Emily Play, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. A girl friend of mine asked me what I look for in a guy, and when I told her she was absolutely shocked.

    When I asked her, she said she has no criteria. If she likes them, she likes them. If not, then not.

    Not that my list it long, it's just kind of.. Specific heh

    Must like similar music. Dislike of Pink Floyd = immediate disqualification
    Must smoke weed, at least occasionally, and not bum me out for smoking weed
    Must read. I don't care who or what, as long as something's happening upstairs other than TV, sex and sports
    Ambition. Don't care what he does as long as he's doing something
    Kinky as fuuuuck:D
  2. pretty
    similar moral beliefs
    a little bit shy/innocent
    loves kids
    loves music
    doesnt fall for all the mainstream crap
    not a HUGE drinker
    chill but can be crazy too

    and probly a shitload more stuff that im forgetting.
  3. There's nothing I LOOK for in a person, but I only like people with certain qualities if that makes sense.

    It's rather trippy when I meet someone who I think is an arsehole, then start to like them before I know that they have such qualities...
  4. OP, while I was reading the list of what you look for in a guy, I thought I was reading my list of what I look for in a girl. You rock :hello:
  5. if we can hold a conversation for longer then 10 minutes
    you dont have to look amazingly good, but i like my girl to look good
    mysterious, but not all the time
  6. I thought you were a girl..
  7. Woah :D

    No, you rock!

  8. nah, im a guy
  9. I like guys that know what they're doing
    (Sexy) :ey:
    And girls that have no idea what they're doing
    (Adorable) :yummy:

    The general traits that come with being a "bad boy" with a sensitive side or an innocent girl realllllyyy drive me crazy. It's not fair. :(

    But other than that I'm not too picky. Everyone is beautiful and has a story. :love:
  10. Holy shit, that's like almost exactly what I look for in a girl. Great minds think alike.
  11. damn right they do.
  12. What part of the globe do you live in? I'd like to know where all the awesome stoner chicks are being kept hidden from me. haha :rolleyes:
  13. man.... a down to earth chick would be refreshing... i date crazies
  14. Librarian chicks.

    Seriously. Quiet, reserved, intelligent. I also like a girl who's funny, witty and sarcastic as well. Being artistic is a plus. I'm also really attracted to chicks with piercings and tattoos, unfortunatly those types aren't usually quiet, reserved and intelligent.
  15. Substance, an open mind and an appreciation for freedom.
  16. I've always enjoyed men who are free to be who they are, and allow me the same freedoms. An understanding that I'm not monogamous is a must, and if they can't deal 100% with that, it's better not to even try. I don't care if they do any drugs, but they have to be respectful of my choice to alter my consciousness, and know that I have no plans in the near future to stop. They have to be socially, politically, and environmentally aware. Intellectually challenged men should just keep on walking, I enjoy being able to converse on a level that's above the general grunting. I'm a little shallow when it comes to outward appearances. I like my men to be taller than I am (5'10), and also have an average BMI. I enjoy a restless soul and wandering feet, with an appreciation of music and art... and that's about it. Thank goodness I've found my special someone for now. :)
  17. Born in Croatia
    Bred in South Africa
    Currently a nomadic citizen of the world (or wherever my budget allows) :rolleyes:
  18. Woah, you've inspired me. If you can find someone, I have new hope ;)
  19. someone who'll color with me when i'm high,
    dance with me when i'm drunk,
    and hug me when i'm sad.

  20. awh i remember you...coloring girl who got rejected by her friends...

    ill color with you. :)

    are stick figures a problem though?

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