I'm a freshman in college, in fact, I just started my first semester 4 weeks ago I really like all of my classes, except my English class. The teacher is seriously the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, she's young and just so hot. It's only a once a week class, and tonight would have been the 4th class. I've already missed the 1st, 3rd, and now the 4th class. I find it impossible to write the essays she assigns, the topics are pretty hard. I haven't been going because I'd rather just not show up than show up unprepared. So, do you guys think I would be better off just going next week and spending the whole semester trying to catch up, or stop going to that class completely and re-take it next semester? Thanks in advance, blades
It depends. Your school probably has a "withdraw deadline" or something where you can withdraw before a certain date and not have to pay for the class, getting a "W" on your transcript. If it's before that date I'd definitely consider withdrawing. I'm not sure about your financial situation but you could also drop the class and still pay for it but not fail before another deadline usually. Because you definitely don't wanna get an "F" as your grade. Or an FA (Failure by abcense) Although freshman writing is usually pretty easy dood, maybe I'm wrong and your teachers just hard, but you should be able to pass that shit easily. Plus if my teacher was super hot it would definitely motivate me to go to class and do well. My 2 cents.
Depends if you think you can really catch up. I had an english class like that last year and I should've dropped the class but I waited until past the deadline so I ended up getting a D and retaking it later.
I would just go but that's cause I'm really good at writing essays....plus sexy teachers are a plus. Lol
So you don't think it's too late to just go in next week and try to catch up without it being too much of a burden?
If it's a typical 15 week semester and you only missed three classes, I say start going. You have the incentive that she's gorgeous and still have enough time to bring your grade up. Good luck, dude.