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what do you feel like

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by scynt, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. i feel like harry potter.. i feel like floaty...
  2. YOUR FUCKING HIGH! ...and I'm right there with ya:smoke:
  3. I am a rock.
  4. I feel like I feel. You feel me?
  5. only on grasscity [:
  6. i feel like there's just not enough drugs in my body. :shrug:
  7. I feel like I could win an eating competition... right now...
  8. im just sitting here feeling like im floating... then i try and get up... and i cant :(
  9. When I grow up, I wanna be a mountain goat.
  10. there's never enough drugs in our bodies..
  11. Im everywhere but nowhere.:eek:
  12. I feel like, the music I'm playing is adding a glow to this room. An invisible glow. And I love it. :)
  13. I feel like a nebula.
  14. i feel like voldemort
  15. I feel like I'm disconnected with my body, and I want to get back in it, but Mary Jane has an invisible leash around my neck... A struggle to be sober...
  16. i feel like im sitting in the seat of a giant walking vehicle.
  17. I feel sober.

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