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What do you do when you're high by yourself?

Discussion in 'General' started by pizzaqueen7, Jul 6, 2017.

  1. Hi guys, this is my first post as I'm fairly new to smoking and I'll appreciate all answers! I've smoked pretty much daily for the past 4-5 months but before that I didn't smoke close to that often. I don't smoke a ton most days, just enough to stay pretty high in the afternoons/nights. A lot of my time high is spent with people so it's easier to entertain myself, but I also like smoking when I'm alone. Even though I enjoy being high alone I've found that lately all I ever do is sit in bed or on the couch watching Netflix or doing dumb shit on my phone. I hardly get up and the lack of entertainment causes me to eat WAY more than is necessary since my munchies are pretty bad. Basically what I'm wondering is what are some things you guys do to entertain yourselves and keep yourselves up when you're high alone? I have a pretty bad attention span when I'm high so I'm not too interested in anything that would require much focus :p
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  2. GC naturally

    and welcome
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  3. I pretty much just play video games While listenin to music and go through social media,GC,YouTube for a couple hours then watch Netflix. And eat lots of food

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  4. Music, clean,run errands, watch YouTube, tend to plants, I'm always high and don't know anyone else who smokes.
  5. Masturbate
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  6. Just kinda live life haha.
  7. Something productive.

    Make some beats on FL Studio, tend to my garden, shoot my crossbow.
  8. Fart around in the garden, make a sammich, drink a beer, clean the kitchen before honey gets home
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  9. Music, tv, video games, going for walks or enjoying nature wherever, eating too much junk food, naps or smoking before bed, cooking, chores like cleaning or a little laundry, trying new hobbies or watching something new for the first time, reading if I'm in the right mood, texting or calling if I'm lonely, browsing forums, YouTube, and refreshing reddit. Just smoke more until something pops up in your head like "I should ______" and go with the flow. Fishing is something i personally like to do alone and I used to never get bored on Xbox/ps4 between Netflix and games but I haven't had internet (besides for my phone) in about a year.

    Smoking alone isn't a bad thing at all. You can do things like listen to 3 different genre's of music back-to-back without looking weird and you can really focus on living in the moment, enjoy it.
  10. Learn something or practice something or master something or probably do something else outside.
  11. Same things id do if i was not baked....
  12. Figuring that. Out I might play some mine craft with my nephew when I get high. Or call someone to talk to. Or music

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  13. I make some propane grilled burgers
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  14. I write responses on forums when I'm high by myself. GFP

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  15. Listen to music, play video games, go for a walk, watch documentaries, or even simple stuff like trying to throw rocks into a pot
  16. Light up, chill to some music (usually trippy shit), play skyrim (try this before you die, it's fucking epic :biggrin:), stream some low budget 80s action/horror flicks, and most importantly dine on pretty much anything and everything I can get my hands on :smoke:
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  17. Watch shemale porn.
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  18. Get more high.:coolalt:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Nothing.
    What does that mean?
    Well, it's not nothing.
    No, it's nothing.
    Well, maybe in philosophy. But even nothing is something.
    Yeah, but nothing happens.
    Well, maybe something happens on the way to work?
    No, no, no. Nothing happens.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  20. Much ado about nothing. That's some shit Shakespeare!

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