What do YOU do to make the world a better place?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dutch Master305, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Not sure if this has ever been asked here before, but I figured it would be an interesting topic regardless.

    What do you personally do to make the world a better place? (It can be anything)
  2. Take shits outside.
  3. I troll 4chan.
  4. i yell at people
  5. I give money to homeless people who either confess, or are most likely going to buy booze or some type of drug with it. Shit I was homeless for some time(living in my car) and I know that I wouldn't have gotten through that if it wasn't for copious amounts of weed and alcohol.
  6. I steal from wal-mart.
  7. Careful now, some walmarts have active Loss Prevention staff now. Especially in more affluent areas.

  8. no, what he means is he doesn shop there and other places steal there business.
  9. Oh. Well in that case....that's like stabbing a giant with a human size knife.

  10. fixed
  11. i do my best to make others happy
  12. Damn, bruh, ya caught me. :(
  13. I take care of a local group home such as mowing the yard, filling salt system up, ect. The people there have changed my life so I enjoy helping them out.

    I also used to donate time at Toy's for Tots, it was fun cause I'd always be on the local news.

    Other than that I help the people around me as much as I can whether they need money to borrow or just need someone to talk with.
  14. i am nice to everyone i meat at first. then depending on how they act twoards me i either continue to be nice to them or ignore them
  15. I'm polite to strangers just because you never know who they might be. plus I believe in karma. I donate to homeless people. I recycle. I turn off lights when I'm not in a room. I carpool when necessary. I do lots of things to help the world a little bit at a time.

  16. it might be messy, but it'll still get the job done!
  17. this is a good thread.

    id like to treat people well, be a good person. i think every little bit helps, i think people who go 'one person cant change anything' are slaves. slaves to apathy. its pathetic and it must be dissolved. its the downfall of our country right now, we're made up of a billion people who just dont care. i think information is the key. there are ways for everyone to be happy. right now greedy business ceos and stock market brokers are literally hogging all of the money, you probably think im exaggerating, but believe me, the money is here, but we dont have it. and i dont want it! that would be as bad as them, i want the money to go into our economy. to go to hospitals, to feed the poor, i dont care if the poor are lazy, everyone in the world deserves a fucking home.

    we live in a world where anything is possible, why havent a group of rich folks gotten together and said 'hey, i think ill build homes for these incredibly poor people, with plumbing, and sewage, and hot water.' no. that money instead goes to second, third, and vacation houses, mercedes and bmw, sony and walmart. people who are ALREADY RICH. the greatest people on the earth arent old rich christian white people in america, its the poor brown man living in rio doing good for his community without thanks. true heroes do the right thing. greed is to me, the worst sin. it leads to all other sins. so if youre one of those people who wants to 'live big' think about what you're doing, because by living big, you're just supporting the slavery of america and yourself, to greed. that big house will NOT make you happy, it might subdue the pain, like drugs, but it wont last. once you're settled, once you're sitting there looking at all of your 'nice expensive shit' and you think 'im still not happy..' maybe then people will wise up. i hope i dont sound like im on a high horse, i deal with greed. i collect things, but we all need to do what we can. every little bit helps.

    im babbling, but im saddened. people just dont care. so i hope to inform people, teach them to care. thats how i want to change things little by little.

  18. I'm pretty sure that's our fundamental problem. For some reason we can't seem to treat each other with equal respect :confused:
  19. I will assassinate Rupert Murdoch and put an end to FOX news. Then one of the main proliferators of apathy, misinformation and conservative agendas will be no more, and we can all clear our heads and start solving these problems that 24/7 news seems to be the cause of. News stations are good for democracy, but not in the way they are run and present information these days. The format of the news today only serves to heighten confusion and prevents people from wanting to be active citizens. All for ratings. What do ratings matter when the world is going to hell? That's what I want to know. Will anything matter if we destroy ourselves? No.

    So what the fuck?
  20. I'd drop 18 nukes on the earth in different locations and end this world. It would then be a better place.

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