What do you do in your free time?

Discussion in 'General' started by hurtxxurt, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. When you get off school, or work, or whatever, what do you usually spend your time doing?

    Like..theres nothing to go do or anywhere to go in louisville...
  2. Work --> Eat---> Shit ---> Shower ---> Read ----> Sleep---> Repeat.
  3. ....smoke weed?
  4. I tinker with things.... like alot....
    83 s-10 350 auto lowered 4/5 no top and under construction.

    Or i mess with my rc stuff.

    I was die hard Rock Band guitarist.....Custom built guitar still have need to finish it.

    I build models as well.

    Also mess with homebrew electronics. Mine does control the engine in my blazer.

    Thats about it really.
  5. I suffered an injury a couple weeks ago (dislocation) but Im usually pretty active. Gym, jogging, traveling (when I can). Work. And obviously the more laid back stuff. Kinda felt lazy lately.
  6. I like to search grasscity for people who have -rep and +rep em to see if I can make the bars turn green. It feels awesome when it works. It's a real time killer.

    Also, to the guy a few posts up....clean your room dude.
  7. #7 tastycolor, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    In my free time I smoke weed then I play guitar, listen to music, make things with Blender (the 3D design software) and/or hang out with friends etc. Sometimes I'll change it up and do something random just to keep my life more interesting
  8. Not all these pics are recent:smoke: I have since cleaned my desk off and started 10 more ideas.:D I rent and have to keep anything fuel powered outside. Even though my shed is frigid this time of year i work out there a good bit. Im prepping to move or id current pics of my disaster. Had a show on saturday and still havent got that mess cleaned yet.:eek:
  9. Read. Work out. Have sex. Cook. Eat. Meditate. Play guitar. Write a book. Mess around in my computer lab. Tend my plants. Go for a walk. Mess with my cats. Contemplate eternity. Sharpen my katana. A host of other things that I'm sure I am forgetting.

    Boredom is the last refuge of the unimaginative. There's always something engaging to do.
  10. Study, work out, x box, tv, friends, family, guitar, music, read, weed etc.
  11. I feel like you're my physics professor
  12. :laughing: I never graduated college. I changed majors too often and finally got bored.
  13. On weekdays, I smoke a bowl on my way to school, smoke a bowl on my way home from school, then depending on what day of the week it is I'll either go to work, ride my horse, or chill with my friends. Weekends I'm out as much as possible ;)
  14. My free time is spent smoking weed, watching tv, and playing video games mostly. But, some of my favorite hobbies include- Fixing/riding gopeds, or any motor sports. Building things, fixing things around the house, having sex (or masturbating), cleaning, eating alot of food while watching tv.... I honestly dont do much besides smoke weed and bum around the house.

  15. hahaha
  16. #16 BenderBob, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2011
    in spare time I race this.


    and build these.

  17. I'm glad someone caught the joke ;)
  18. Those boats look like fun. How do you like the futaba radios? I just got 2 on trade and hadnt installed them. Seems good and if the quality is like my older futaba radios i got a bargain.
  19. They work really well for the boats. they came with the 2 small cars in picture. I upgraded the radios in the cars and had these as spares.

  20. I play EVE Online, cook, tease the kitteh by taking pictures of her and posting them on facebook, and I sew medieval and renaissance clothing - my current project is a hall costume for a friends wife.



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