What do you call your joints.

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Big D Johnson, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Hey GC,
    List any and all nicknames that you use as another word for a joint.

    Jay (classic)
    Hootie (or hootie bear)
    Fatty magoo
    Warhead (cigarette hollowed out in the tip and filled with 3-4 hits worth of weed. Like a separated spliff)
  2. Doobies and bombers when they're fat
  3. fatty magoo? lol im using that.
  4. Jay, joint, spliff, ... don't commonly call them anything else.
  5. Jay, J, Joint, Doobie,
  6. Jay or jibb. :)
  7. Joint
    Pinner (if it's small)
  8. I'll call it a spliff only if it's....well....a spliff. :D
  9. a marijuana stick.
  10. I call em, .. .. Sizzlers .. .. Yeah .. .. .. .. :hello:
  11. j's. or doobies like the others said. i keep it simple.
  12. A waste of time...
    Nah I just thought it was set up good cause Im not a big fan of them, but I still roll em if I got em. But when I do I just call it a Joint or J.:smoke:
  13. Jays or, rarely, Jibbs :smoke:
  14. ^This. I try to stay away from wasting my bud on jibbs as much as possible.

    (The hundreds siding with The Hundreds. Say word? :D)

  15. I consider any joint a spliff, only because I NEVER mix my weed with tobacco. So there is no confusion among my smoking buddies.
  16. joint, splif, cannon, cone, fatty, dube, blunt.
  17. Joint or Hooter

  18. Word! Hahaha Keep toking bruh! :bongin:

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