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What do yall do with your leaves/stems/seeds?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by xenith, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I trimmed all the leaves off of an 1/8th of dank last night, got around to putting it in the second chamber of my grinder with a nickel today. I got a surprising amount of kief with it. What do you guys do with all the trimmings and stems and seeds you amass?
  2. Seeds = plant em
    Stems = Get the kief off them/make hash
    Leaves = Leave them on and smoke em
  3. Thats straight man. But re: the leaves, I feel like they defintely detract from smokeability as well as potency. So I like to trim them and get the kief off of them later.
  4. Seeds: My buds dont come with seeds
    Stems: chuck em in a pill bottle. save for hash
    Leaves: my buds dont really come with leaves, usually well manicured.
  5. leaves or any kind of shake i usually save for making qwiso
  6. Leaves - Smoke (if they're small)
    Seeds - toss
    Stems - Smoke (if they're small) or toss
  7. Make iso hash with your stems and leaves.(my avatar)
    Toss the seeds out.
  8. give seeds to my friend(grower) ,smoke leafs, put stems in vodka for 30 days and it gets u fucked up
  9. i havent really gotten any bud with seeds lately but when i do pick up reggies i save the seeds and sow them randomly in the summer and just hope theyll grow and make someone's day.

    leaves and stems i save for QWISO but i sometimes grind up the leaves for their kief and throw that on top of bowls if im runnin low.
  10. Leaves and stems are turned into kief....
    if I find seeds I save them up and throw them about wherever I go like the Johny Appleseed of cannabis:smoking:
  11. Leaves= Smoke it
    Stems= throw them out
    Seeds= Throw them out and hope they grow one day
  12. Seeds are kept.
    Stems are kept and keifed
    I just keep the leaves on the bud and smoke them.
  13. All of my trimmings go toward hash. I get plenty of keif already from my Sharpstone. Seeds?
  14. QWISO. Always.

    Heres a video...:smoke:

    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
  15. I never really see seeds here in Montana. When I used to get schwag when I lived in Toledo, I liked to eat the seeds. I even had all my friends keep a seed jar for me to munch on when I visited. I crack the seed and spit out the husk. Love it. They are actually really good for you too!
  16. I tend to just smoke any leaves that come with/on my nuggz lol, usually theyre dank enough.

    I keep my stems in a jar until i'm either out of bud or I have lots of stems, then i shake the kief off them into the screens of my sharpstone haha :hello: you can get a super solid yield of kief from stems, and some people throw them away! :eek:

    Annd since I don't grow, and don't know anyone who would want seeds from me to grow, i just toss my seeds whenever i get one, which is very rarely lol

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