What do u do for a living

Discussion in 'General' started by iWarren2thag, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. I live in Arizona and I sell cars and stuff I get for $1 at tagsales onto craigslist.  I live with my mom and dad I'm 25 and have EBT and drink all day four lokos, 40 ounces and vodka.  I have a bad brain and god hates me.  U?

  2. I'm sorry but there is one of these threads like twice a week man
  3. i bet they dont bring the drama like i do though
  4. Don't you tupac walk away from me.
  5. I do nothing but be a broken unfunctioning individual and get paid for it. I'm quite ashamed but i'm unable to work as is but i'm working on it.

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