What do the DEA or drug task force need for search warrant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sourdiesel123, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Just wondering what all they would need to obtain a search warrant. Im pretty sure they couldn't get one from you ordering grow supplies or lights off the internet as thats not illegal. I think they would need either CI information or something proven illegal being sent to your house like seeds or something or maybe if you have a previous record for drugs. Just looking for information on this as i have 2 felony charges already really not trying to get another.
  2. It takes one phone call
  3. They couldn't get one from ordering lights and it would be hard to prove you ordered seeds. If your house smells, has a weird orange glow, lots of traffic, one informant phone call of someone saying they saw plants or you told them. Anything like that they can easily get a search warrant. Just get a carbon filter and keep your mouth shut you'll be fine.

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