What do stars, people, and cells have in common?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by bkadoctaj, Dec 16, 2007.

  1. Just curious to see if anyone else ever noticed a connection between these three.
  2. We all die.

  3. At relative rates. We also communicate through energy vibrations. :)
  4. we're all made of the same shit
  5. We're all a smaller part of the whole.

    Stars, People, Cells :: Galaxies, Societies, Tissue
  6. We all come from the same source.
  7. "We're all going to hell"

    ^Lol, coolest song ever, by the Bastard Fairies.
  8. They are all building blocks of something else. Stars are the building blocks of galaxies and ultimately the universe. Cells are the building blocks of life, and people are the building blocks of humanity.

    Haha I just noticed someone said the exact same thing...I'm blazed as shit....
  9. uh...stars can communicate? Do we mean in a language of sorts, or....what?

  10. Well, stars do communicate to each other. They align themselves, breathe, and give off an extraordinary amount of energy. In these ways, stars share their knowledge. You know it takes a long time from light from one star to reach another. It's only long from the human perspective. The communication between stars occurs at a relative rate for their size.

    Key universal secret: the Universe looks the same from big to small.
  11. What knowledge do Stars possess? Where are their brains? How do they "think"?

  12. Ask yourself this: Where do you think? Are your thoughts really in your brain physically? If you say yes, then how do you explain the fact that you still have all of your memories, even though you don't have the same cells in your brain today that you had when you were born?
  13. I too am curious. Perhaps he is refering to astrology?

    The word alignment tipped me off.:p
  14. haha Many astrologers can learn from stars, yes. But not all of them truly communicate with the stars. In other words, they understand that the stars and their role in the Universe is very significant (and, let us say, very macrocosmic). Many, however, do not understand the subtle mechanism behind it. I'll give you a clue: it's the same Force from Star Wars, the same Dao from the Dao De Jing, the same body-energy that you feel when a limb awakens. :) Keep asking. You'll get answers.
  15. Yes, without my brain I would not think, in fact, without it I would not live. Give someone a good enough smack in the head and they will forget who they were and become a completely different person. Unless you believe brain trauma makes your soul forget things?

    http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1566875.htm <-- Read that. Perhaps it will help to answer your very odd question.
    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/02/010205080336.htm <-- More fun reading.
    http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/biology/b103/f97/projects97/Warren.html <-- Ditto.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory <-- Great fun.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain <-- More fun.
    http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/introb.html <-- Not meant to be offensive.
    http://www.med.harvard.edu/publications/On_The_Brain/ <-- Perhaps you will find it interesting?
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience <-- :D
    http://www.sfn.org/ <-- So much to read.
    http://www.neuroscience.com/toc.html <-- I like links.

    Perhaps you can stop giving clues and spell out what it is you are trying to say? That would probably be very helpful.
  16. haha I don't need to read anything. Nor do you. All the clues exist for your senses to receive. Your five senses are to help you read the clues. The sixth sense is to be a part of It. :) You cannot offend me.

    And as for just telling you the Truth: understand that the Truth cannot be put into words. The Truth is past them. You will understand someday, and this conversation is helping you.

    lol By the way, in the first link, what the hell is a "memory molecule"?
  17. In fact, I'll give you a huge clue: evolution at all levels is the same.
  18. Sorry, that is nonsense on so many levels. Nice cop out, though. "I know all the answers to everything because my imagination told me so, I do not need to read or learn, I will spend all my time on a message board making vague refrences until other people agree with my imagination too!"

  19. It's alright. You do not have to accept anything that I say as true. I have reached Nirvana. You can believe what you will. (On so many levels.)
  20. I am Nirvana. Beat that!

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