what do i need

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by big_buds_142536, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. so what do i need to grow in doors. im growin indoors because all my plants died from the rain this week. i know i need some kind lights. i dont know what kind or watt. so any help would be nice
  2. a brain would help. jk but i see this question EVERYDAY. flourescent lights... cfl's work. You need at least 50 watts. Look for the real watts not its incandecent equivilent. You will need blue spectrum for veg and red for flower. Blue spectrum lights will be labaled daylight or have a color rating of 6500k (or 5500k or even 7000k). 10/10 times if its not clearly labeled daylight or has a color rating its red. Red (2700k) is the most common cfl/fl.

  3. Thats a bit harsh...

    What Eyec0n is trying to say is this is your grow so do your own homework. Were here to support you and help you when you have more specific questions. But no ones going to help you with questions like this that have litterally been asked 1,000,000 times before. All you have to do is go to "absolute beginers" and read the stickies.
  4. so it sounds so much harder togrow indoors then outdoors??
  5. its really not. Theres a bigger checklist of stuff to get and prepare but its not hard if you plan it and do it right, or at least as right as you can the first time. I didn't mean to be so harsh, I was jk.

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