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What do i do?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kipohippo, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. What should i do? I got a tensack that smelled like spices and weed. I just smoked it, and im liking it. But is this normal or is my dealr a dick? Onnneeee elooovove
  2. you smoked it, it got you high, end of story.
  3. The only reason I could see it smelling like spices is because at some point in it's existence it's smell was masked with spices, but I'm also a little blazed so I'm not sure if that's actually possible.

    Or for some reason maybe it was cut with the synthetic weed bullshit.
  4. Maybe, but, i got high. I have have a lil bit left but i doubt it would high me.

  5. Yeah, I mean it would still get you high, you probably wouldn't even notice the difference if there's more real then fake.
  6. if it smelled like a spice was added it could have been added to enhance the bud you bought ive heard of people sprinkling cinamon on their stash to add flavor to it maybe that is what happened but if you got high off of it i wouldnt worry even if it was some synthetic bullshit you just got a tensack so it wont kill you haha
    happy blazing
  7. Check out my sweet 250g pickup man! Does this look like yours?

  8. Yes it does! It looked to small to have been put through a grinder or something.

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