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what do all of you stoners think of this bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by datpurp, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. first real successfull grow just lookin on feedback

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  2. well for one i think it needs more trimming......
    two i think we need a bigger pic to make a real judgment...
    but from afar it looks pretty good:] at least i can tell it has decent crystals..
  3. i did trim it again, sorry for now thats all the pictures i have ill post more soon

    p.s. did you click the picture?
  4. oh damn NOW i did:p
    it look beautimously delicious<3
    enjoy your product:]
  5. Looks like something trimmed haha
  6. looks frosty to me....frosty is good
  7. Omg I need some :)
  8. You trying to start a business?
    Where do you live :wave: haha
  9. send me some! ill tell you if its good or not
  10. Look fantastic
  11. Good bud, well done and enjoy :).
  12. Shit looks niceeee. Good Job on that grow :smoke:
  13. Damn! Tons of trichs. what strain?
  14. Nice trichs only thing that could make it better is some orange hairs

    Nice grow :smoke:

  15. [ame=]U MAD BRO? - YouTube[/ame]

  16. He wasn't mad at all.

    y u look like a jackass
  17. Fuck lol I'd defs buy that ;)
    V nice, wish i could grow. I'm gonna try to learn later on.

  18. thanks everybody :), it was my first succesful outdoor grow, strain blue cheese, im from NH if anyones from around here we should get in touch ^_^ smokin that dank dank

    as for the bud ill have more pictures soon with questions, because i have oh so many, thanks for all your feedback again, still new to this cite but im enjoying it very much
  19. [quote name='"Hali Hostility"']well for one i think it needs more trimming......
    two i think we need a bigger pic to make a real judgment...
    but from afar it looks pretty good:] at least i can tell it has decent crystals..[/quote]

    Trimming is all about preference , some people decide to keep sugar leaf to smoke others like to trim it off for concentrates

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