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What did you guys do on your birthdays

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kenji12349, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. So it's my birthday today and I just want to hear what you guys did for your last birthday:)
  2. Went to a local brewery/bar...then had lunch at a local taproom...then finished of at the local Irish pub...all while staying medicated
  3. Hookah bar. Before that some friends rolled me a blunt, and we all shared.
  4. get high, have sex.

    all day. :cool:
  5. 1: woke up.
    2: toked up.
    3. Went to Roadhouse BBQ in Olympia Wa. with my gf.
    4: Ate a 1lb smoked prime rib.
    5: Went home and drank Admiral Nelson 101 spiced rum.
    6. Sexy Time with le GF.
    7: Bed.
  6. [quote name='"Sensual Koala"']1: woke up.
    2: toked up.
    3. Went to Roadhouse BBQ in Olympia Wa. with my gf.
    4: Ate a 1lb smoked prime rib.
    5: Went home and drank Admiral Nelson 101 spiced rum.
    6. Sexy Time with le GF.
    7: Bed.[/quote]

    Lol my sister goes to college in Olympia Washington!! Evergreen university!
  7. My bday is in a week but I'm betting I'll
    Be getting some nice birthday sex with a nice blunt
  8. got high and drank beer with some buddies
  9. all of my connects happened to be dry during my birthDAY but they came thru on my birthNIGHT haha :smoke:
  10. actually my last birthday was just a few weeks ago.. i woke up and went to my child support hearing and they told be id be paying 454$ a month. i left there and went on a bar tour all night.. no weed all night i just got straight white boy wasted
  11. Pretty boring this year haha.

    1. Woke up smoked a bowl got ready for my day.
    2. Had a birthday breakfast (Biscuits and Gravy)
    3. Went to my LHS and got myself a Double U-Perk SYN Bong
    4. Worked for 6 hours
    5. Got home and smoked a few bowls out of the new bong
    6. Went and saw Project X with a few friends
    7. Came back home and smoked a few more bowls and just relaxed for the rest of the night.
  12. I honestly have no idea. Can't remember for the life of me. I got another one in exactly three months so I will let ya know :)
  13. was your birthday march 2nd?
  14. On my bday i stayed in all day and fapped
  15. [quote name='"JoeObey"']On my bday i stayed in all day and fapped[/quote]

  16. Nothing, no one cares about my birthday.
  17. [quote name='"JamestheFreak"']Nothing, no one cares about my birthday.[/quote]

    LOL sorry bro bro :(
  18. Got stoned with some mates, played xbox and ate pizza.
  19. hahah i didnt really do that much.
    I stayed in bed, crawled out at about 6pm, went out, got stupidly high, and went to the cinemas. It was rather fun though :)
  20. ill tell you tommorrow!

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