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What did I miss? Since when is Va medically legal?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Osteoporosis, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Okay, so I remember a while back they had that big story on msn about them legalizing medical marijuana in 14 states. I went back for an update to see if any more states joined in, come to find out, it's now medically legal in 15 states. And what do you know? The 15th state is my state, Virginia. How and when did this happen? I figured we'd be one of the last ones to get it lmao. I have add and I smoke because it makes me have more focus, and I just feel right when I'm high. Now all we need is a dispensary, and I need my card, and I'll be freaking ecstatic.
  2. § 18.2-251.1. "Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes permitted" was passed into law in 1979 (the first medical cannabis law in the United States), however, the law was never highly publicized and didn't exactly take off. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for dispensaries and/or a medical card.
  3. Damn, so it's been passed since 79'? And it was so under the table that when they did the msn write up about states becoming medically legal, it wasn't known that it was a noted state? Is that what your saying? If so my day that was made is now ruined. lol
  4. read the whole thing... "when that possession occurs pursuant to a valid prescription issued by a medical doctor in the course of his professional practice for treatment of cancer or glaucoma" This is not a law allowing mmj 'recommendations', a 'prescription' is required. In that light it can not work, as a prescription can not be made due to federal laws classifying MJ in schedule 1. If the feds were to reclassify MJ then it would be affective.
  5. Lol, I got a little excited, I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.
    But I still don't understand why it wasn't on the list when the list was published as 14 states, now it says 15 and Va is the addition, also on the news, there was a segment on that spice stuff, the K2, and they said that they weren't going to make it illegal yet.
  6. :mad: fuck thought it was something new I was smirkin and then,,,,,,,, reality hit
  7. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: I felt the greatest warmth for about 10 seconds until i realized whats going on
  8. What about Rhode Island; what is the deal with they?

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