I was just going to make a thread like this lol. I celebrated early at my mom's today and did presents with her and my step siblings. My mom, aunt, and grandma spoiled the shit outta me, I got a heavy duty craftsman toolbox, a nice power drill, and a concert ticket from my grandma, among other small things. I got a $200 visa gift card from my aunt. And my mom gave me $400 cash, a water filtering pitcher, various small things for my new house, and 1 metric fuckton of candy. Oh and last Saturday I got a ticket to a rave on new years eve from my girlfriend's sister. Going to my dad's tomorrow for my 3rd christmas dinner haha What'd you get?
Nothign yet, still going on the old tradition of getting woken up by my little brother at 630 to open gifts.
You lucky bastard.. I got 20 bucks and a couple cool shirts. My aunt got me this sweet as fuck double disco ball,trippy.. Just a few little things but it's good because I'm about to finish off a gram of some dank so the night should go by smooth
new beats and some money! I bought myself a new fancy grinder with some of dat money, it works amazingly
Hahaha I remember being little and not being able to sleep on xmas eve so I would get up at like 4 am and ask my mom if we could do presents yet, and she would make me wait til at least 6. Man those 2 hours were looong.
Longest few hours of my fucking life haha, just sitting in the dark, on the floor, staring at the tree haha
So far I'm positive I'm getting these two things This shirt This poster The rest I won't know until tomorrow
Did you know it's costs like 20 dollars to make those and they sell them for 300 dollars? Crazy shit. And nothing yet. But I know I'm getting candy and a Walmart gift card that I will then use on a Walmart Visa card, from my dad. My mom is getting my nothing which I am totally cool with. I didn't even want anything anymore and I tell people that. And yet they still get me gifts people are awesome. My female friend got me a chia cat grass plant so that was funny
I know I'm getting a new tv for my room because I was home when it was delivered lmao Hopefully a new acoustic guitar, maybe some shirts idk Not much I really need, other than cash to pay off my life of debt I have ahead of me. fucking fuck
Haha yeah man I would get up at 3 and just shake my presents till 6. I don't blame my little brother for being annoying but it still is very annoying lmao