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What determines the type of high beyond indica/sativa?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Exhumed91, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Obviously different strains have varying potency, and a healthy, well-grown and well-cured plant will have more THC, but there are more qualities to a high than indica vs. sativa.

    Some weed (all mids/beasters and a lot of headies) makes it harder to think, and harder to interact socially. The best sativa (to me) can make you more articulate, and plenty of indica strains give you a body high without affecting mental clarity. Some weed can get you really high but you'll be fucked up, or just slightly socially off if you've been smoking 3 times a day or more.

    Of course, different strains have different comedowns, and the ideal strain has no comedown. Mids make you pretty sleepy.

    And then there's how happy it makes you, and/or how silly it makes you. Mids make you laugh, but some high quality strains do as well. And then, some weed just makes you happier. It's not just more THC, because some good weed can make you trip out (sativa) or feel couchlocked and tingly, but not that much happier, whereas some weed makes you feel like you're on top of the world.

    Are strains actually bred for these qualities? Do growers have any idea what it is in the plant that makes the difference?

    I know more than the average person about weed but I'd like to learn more :smoke: I know some of you guys are experts.
  2. Marijuanas high doesn't just come from thc,, it has a lot of different canabinoids that contribute towards your high. If I had to guess I would say that the high varies from strain to strain because the canabinoids vary from strain to strain. I could be wrong but that is what I think.
  3. In my personal opinion I feel like your enviorment or surroundings play a pretty large role..I feel like no matter what strain your smoking your enviorment can have a pretty large impact on your high pretty quickly.

  4. Yeah but your environment and surroundings aren't the only factors. It would be interesting to see specifically what quantity of which cannabinoids are present in different strains.
  5. I've never noticed that weed has a come down.

    I know other drugs I can clearly tell I'm comming down but not with weed.
    cus I had some realllly dank stuff that got me super stoned but my mood wasn't really affected.. and when I ran out I picked up some corn (mids) and I wasn't as baked but waaaay happier.

    weird stuff.
  7. the environment, even if you had a good or bad day can affect the high. but mostly the genetic make up of your weed. thc isnt the only cannibinoid that gets you high. the high you feel is all the cannibinoids together in your brain.
  8. The cannabinoid profile is chemically responsible for different highs.
  9. Great question. "Google Scholar" is your friend.

    I remember reading a study that tested levels of cannabanoids in bud along with THC. It seemed to me that the amounts of CBN and CNN were really what determined things such as mind, body feelings, memory etc...

    The level of THC effects many things, but THC is the main chemical responsible for releasing dopamine which will make you more "happy". That does not mean the higher THC the happier you will be, the CNN and CBN can combat some of THC's effect and delivery.

    There is a lot of research to go with marijuana to determine how it effects the mind and interacts because SO MUCH is still unknown.

    Just spreading what I have read and interpreted as I believe I am very informed about cannabis. :wave:
  10. This is something I have always wondered about. Where I live I don't get the best weed straight from the grower but what I get is pretty decent headies. From what I've heard, it's easier to grow an indica than it is to grow a sativa. so in my area the chances of me picking up an indica are usually much greater than a sativa. but even when i do pick up an indica strain, if i smoke enough of it I still start to feel a pretty strong head high as well as a pretty crazy body high. or maybe i just havn't experience a REAL SATIVA head high yet.. bottom line is different bud has different effects and 99.9% of the time they are good ones. so just enjoy the bud you have. :smoke:
  11. This.

    Also, there is an incredible amount of variance from person to person. I use some of my more indica dominant strains to help me focus when I'm working on research papers, but if my fiancee were to smoke them, she'd be hysterical.

    I personally have never found a variety of weed that does not impair mental function, but it is clear that some strains cause less impairment. The indicas I'm referring to above cause only mild impairment, but they definitely slow me down a bit. Every sativa I've smoked has also caused some sort of mental impairment, but as far as I can tell, there is no discernable pattern, it's more on a strain by strain basis.
  12. too many factors man, too many factors. don't worry about it, just enjoy it :smoke:

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