What colour is Grasscity's forum?

Discussion in 'General' started by What'sThatSmell, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. Kind of a completely useless thread.
    But I've been wondering for a while..
    What colour is this forum?
    Not the green but just the white'ish background where all the text is typed.
    It's not quite white..
    It's not really tan..

    What colour is this place?
    Is there a name for this colour?
  2. I vote for changing it to a slightly darker colour or having it set so you can set the forum backround setting for you'reself.

    I'm not going to go into detail like I did in another post but I have an eye condition where bright solid colours bug the fuck out of me.

    Edit: It's a nice colour but I just can't handle it :D
  3. off white.
    problem solved.
  4. I hate it but it reminds me of weed. So I can't knock it.
  5. i lol'd
  6. Off white is the colour of bones..
    I guess that's the closest colour to it.
  7. it's the color that ISN'T a color

    think about that for a sec . . .
  8. I think at night time it should switch to very dark grey or black, like on some GPS's

    Then there would be a contrast between daytime GC and nightlife GC
  9. lol thats exactly what we need more reasons to talk shit on GC lol

    Yeah well daytime gc sucks nightlife gc is where its at i can already see it now..
  10. That would be a good idea except for the fact that many people live in different timezones and the server itself is located in Netherlands if I believe.
  11. Well when it is night time in your own timezone. Or you could set your own times for the forum to darken.
  12. its kinda like...sand and off white...not really sure haha i vote for being able to pick the color myself!!
  13. Isnt there a way to save a gc page, upload it into dreamweaver or photo shop, eye drop it, then get the html code color, and find out exactly what color it is?
    Ill tell ya this, im glad it isnt white, that shit would be bright!
  14. You couuuld, but it's not necessary. It's in the code (View>Source) of the page, as

  15. R:G:B-249:254:229. C:M:Y:K- 2:0:10:0. It is hard to tell what color it is just by looking.
  16. it's like papyrus that's gotten weed blown at it repeatedly.
  17. Word, guess I like to make things difficult.
  18. i like it the way it is

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