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What celebrity would you want to get high with?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pottedcats, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Hmmm...Snoop Dogg :bongin:
  2. Dimmu borgir
    Ipek from wykked wytch

    and as for a major celebrity...david duchovney. X-files ftmfw!
  3. My husband and I have had this discussion many times while smoking. The answers vary slightly, but we usually come around to Seth Rogan (him) and Stephen King(me), Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray (both of us- yeah, we loved Zombieland :p)
  4. #4 Tokenlightened, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    I would LOVE to get high with snoop! No offense (and I REALLY mean NO OFFENSE), but a lot of the time when I'm tokin with black, gangster dudes unless we're real chill together, I can't be as laid back and it kind of ruins my high. I just don't understand how some people think and when I'm with those people high, conversation sucks. I mean, damn, how do you talk with someone in a casual conversation when the person you are talking with has to be hard 24/7 and say some gangster shit all the time. Can't stand it.

    I'd have to say tokin up with Katt Williams would be the shit. He's funny as hell!
  5. mine would be jack black, snoop, kyle gass, seth rogan, or willie nelson
  6. Hmm... Chris Rock!
  7. Willie Nelson is a great answer!
  8. Devin the dude, kid cudi and dr. dre
  9. Jack Herrer...imagine the bud you'd be toking on with him. I know someone who has and they called it space weed haha cause it was too dank to be grown on the earth :laughing:

    Bob Weir and Phil Lesh- how awesome would that be?
  10. more...Seth Rogen & James Franco

    ...loved them in Pineapple Express!!!
  11. Adam Sandler, Selina Gomez. :)
  12. Tech N9ne
  13. Dave Chappelle, Devin tha Dude, Scarlett Johannsen :eek:
  14. Willie was hilarious on The Colbert Report: A Colbert Christmas on Comedy him.
  15. Leonardo DaVinci...hahaha you know that ***** is crazy. Richard Nixon - and show his ass up, and jack black with the BoD
  16. hell yea, another woul b bill clinton
  17. Hunter S Thompson or doc and johnny blaze aka Iron lung.
  18. That's a good one. He doesn't inhale though ;)
  19. Haha I just got out of school at Arlyn studios in Austin and that used to be Willie's studio, now it's a school but there are so many stories of him and other artists getting so fucked up over there. Sublime recorded there and shat all over the seats LOLZ.
  20. u gotta inhale if u ride in a limo...

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