What cartoon cartoon caracter would you like to most smoke with

Discussion in 'General' started by 420 High Times, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Yesssssssss!!!!
  2. Has no one noticed that the title of this thread says "cartoon cartoon"?
  3. Are anime characters allowed? If so, Lelouch Vi Britannia. If not, Master Shake.
  4. i dont give a fuck! ill still get high will ren&stimpy!
  5. Popeye the Sailor Man!

  6. i'd take fat bong tokes with buggs bunny

    that wabbit is a bad ass, and prolly wise as fuck
  7. wallace and grommet, they has the cheese and cracker hook-up
    and image the stoned adventures, i reckon they must have been stoned for most of those shows, flying to the moon, paranoid about an evil penguins and shit
  8. that dude in my avatar.
  9. [​IMG]

    soo many choices..but hes got a nose for finding munchies :p

    if not him then scooby or shag

    maybe rocko from modern life

  10. Shaggy, i have been watching scooby-doo soo long and he was always my favorite, and scooby sense i know he gets stoned, always have the munchies...

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