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What can I hide joints in?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cricket22, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I have a hollowed out sharpie I can carry around but it just holds 1. Any ideas on other things I can use? Thanks
  2. I used to use empty gum packs from Starbucks. They have metal ones that are pretty nice. I fit 5 thin J's in one once.
  3. cigarette pack,altoids can, a small plastic container,etc
  4. i took the glue out of a glue stick. i can fit like 4 or 5 decent sized j's in there. hide the smell pretty good too.
  5. cigarette pack
  6. i have a chapstick tube.
    The Chapstick BRAND chapstick tubes have a wierd twisty deal on the bottom.
    you have to pry it off, and cut off the twist stem.
    Then i hot-glued the bottom piece back on and made it airtight.

    Its not very long, but it is extremely discreet.
  7. ^ Nuff said.
  8. one of those fat highlighters... it's like your sharpie but there's more room for 2-3 joints
  9. my favorite is emptied out fat pens
  10. Cigar tubes or altoid cans.
  11. metal cigar tubes work real well
  12. I disagree with altoids can.

    No-one carries around tins of mints, if someone finds the can, you're pretty much screwed.

    It fits nice and is convenient, but you need to hide the can itself.
  13. Camel Snus Tin - Perfect Size
  14. i always hide joints in my crack pipe, but maybe im just high?
  15. Cigarette cases are nice. I want to get one and keep it stocked with jays at all times someday.
  16. well if i have a few like for myself i use a cig packet but if im carrying alot to get somewhere i use a game/dvd case:cool:
  17. Get a little Dutch Masters cigar in a tube...roll up a blunt with it, and store it in the tube.

  18. that sound like a perfect place.
    But just in case OP doesn't smoke crack let's keep those suggestions coming.;)
  19. #20 abnormldood, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010

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