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What can i get with this?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by MrGanjaMan805, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. After budgeting my money this week i foun that i have 50 dollars that doesn't have to go to bills, gas, school supplies, or any of the other expenses in my life. I rhought about going half on half with my friend but decided not to because every time we do he always tkes more than his share, or he'll want to smoke from my share. So i got 50 bucks and im gonna run by my "suppliers" house later on. I've never bought 50 dollars worth before. I jist want to know how much i can get with that? I can get an 8th of regs for 40 so obviously 50 would be equivilant to an 8th and a dime but what is that in grams? and how many joints should i be able to roll with that?
  2. Around my parts where I'm at now, 50$ would get you an 8th of the danks :smoke:
  3. Where I am 50 would propoably get you 5-6 grams. Not always the best weed though.
  4. $40 for an 8th of reggie? WTF?
  5. It really depends on where you live. Mathematically an eighth is 3.5g. But since its regs you might be able to get more.
  6. see if your dealer would let you come up a little short on an 8th of dank if u dnt have enough. or buy about 2 or 3 grams of dank
  7. what's reg i've never heard of it?
  8. Around my area reggie is dirt mexican weed but i guess in some areas its known as mids.
  9. [quote name='"MistahWonderful"']what's reg i've never heard of it?[/quote]

    Noob it means undank weed
  10. I've never heard of it before, we only smoke good where I'm from. I don't even know what that looks like.
  11. I pay forty bucks tops for a half ounce of mids
  12. If you can get an eigth for $40 I would guess he would give you around 4.5g for $50

  13. That's what I was thinking. $40 for an eighth of reggie is too much. You should be able to get a quarter of mids for $40, but I suppose it depends on where you live. Hell, for $50 you should be able to get an eighth of dank.

  14. i live so cal and i've always paid 40 for an eighth, our weed is really expensive down here but our regs are pretty good :cool:

  15. Where i live i pay $25 an 1/8 of mids. Try to talk your suplier down to $30/ 1/8. If you do that you should be able to get like 5.5-6 grams for $50
  16. [quote name='"MrGanjaMan805"']

    i live so cal and i've always paid 40 for an eighth, our weed is really expensive down here but our regs are pretty good :cool:[/quote]

    Southern California shouldn't even have any mids. Find yourself a new dealer
  17. Hmm 20 dollars for mid is suppose to be 4 grams. 5 dollars a gram. i could get a little more than a half with 50 dollars

  18. dude it took me forever to find this one lol
  19. [quote name='"MrGanjaMan805"']

    dude it took me forever to find this one lol[/quote]

    Dude you can stick with this dude and get poorly grown, weak marijuana, or you could open your eyes to the beautiful work of dank weed that is So.Cal.

    Seriously, it's definitely around you, just gotta know where to look/who to ask

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