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What can i do?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by awdcivic, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. I have a friend who has a really reliable dealer and getting weed isnt a problem.
    my problem is i cant get my friend to ask the dealer what strains he has because my friend wont believe there are different strains and doesnt believe there is such a thing as indica or sativa. i even sent him a website and he wont look at it.
    wtf can i do? i dont want an indica strain right now but he wont freaking listen?
    educated pothead > uneducated pothead lol.
  2. Tell him about growing and show him some seed banks.

    If he is too ignorant to understand those concepts I feel sorry for you and I guess you're going to have to go with whatever bud your dealer gives you. :p
  3. sad part is he has growed i havent. ive been smoking for 3 months hes been smoking for 3 years and i know more than him =/. i guess ill have to settle with whatever i can get and hope its not indica. i want this for headaches i dont wanna get all freaking lazy. dang lol kinda sucks. need to start growing my own so i dont have these problems.
  4. I hate dicks like that. This kid I was friends with in high school believed that every drug was made from weed. He though coke was made from getting all the trichomes off of white widow marijuana (Idk why he specified that strain) and crushing them into powder!!??! WTF! No matter what you said he wouldn't listen, made me want to bash the fuck out of him
  5. Well since he's grown how does that work? Does the guy think every different seed is the same strain? Sounds like he has his head in the clouds for sure...
  6. This guys a piece of work lol. Just throw it in his face and insist he learns. Also tell him about your Indica thing (which I 100% sympathise with) and to get a hybrid or sativa. If he won't do that, he's a dick and call him out on it. In the worst case, let him text the dealer yourself.
  7. well i like indicas better but they aint good for when im not chilling with friends lol. i use sativa to do homework *evil grin*.
    and yea idk i guess he dont know the difference in the seeds. he just said theres bad highs and good highs and im like wtf?
  8. That's kinda weird. You should get your dealer to back you up on the whole Sativa,Indica thing or some shit. Some people just don't realize something until it's blindingly obvious.
  9. i dont know the dealer but he does my friend pretty good. i just get my friend to buy from him but now since im wanting sativa for migranes and schoolwork help and not just hanging out i actually care what kind now... this is where the problem comes in lol.
    i need to just grow my own then i wont have to pay i can sell a lil bit and make money and know exactly the strain im getting.
  10. Just sayin, indicas tend to have a more pain-relieving effect (from what I've heard) than sativa so yeah if its for headaches you may want indica...
  11. [quote name='"SmokeyMcPott"']I hate dicks like that. This kid I was friends with in high school believed that every drug was made from weed. He though coke was made from getting all the trichomes off of white widow marijuana (Idk why he specified that strain) and crushing them into powder!!??! WTF! No matter what you said he wouldn't listen, made me want to bash the fuck out of him[/quote]

    LOL he's either a really big fking troll or a pieceofshit idiot
  12. Shove the facts right down his throat, force feed him the information. :smoke:
  13. Smoking and growing for 3 years and he doesn't know what indica/sativa is? Send him the Wikipedia page lol. Also the thing about making coke from white widow is the stupidest thing ive ever heard!
  14. Try going w/ your friend to pick up one time, then talk to his dealer. If his dealer isn't as big of an idiot as your friend, maybe he can help ram some knowledge into your friend's brain.

    And then you can just buy straight from the dealer and stop messing around w/ a middle man :)

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