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What can cause a seedling to be born yellow?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Elf_7, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. It's not a big deal since the other 13 plants have sprouted with a nice green color, but this one was born yellow, cotyledons and all. My soil could be the problem since I have been reusing it for some time, but I don't understand why this doesn't happen with the other 13 seedlings. I am using biobizz light mix.

    Is it because this particular plant has a defect, or could there be any other causes as to why this happens? She looks healthy otherwise.

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  2. If its leaves started growing while it was still underground the lack of light would cause that. It should green up in a day or so
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  3. #4 leodicapario, Apr 28, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2023
    if it only the one it could be a bad bean. It may continue jus check the growth if it still growing. Check the new growth if its green. nurture her.
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  4. poorly mixed soil the tap root hit something it don't like

    try a repot?

    good luck
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