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what brand/type of ...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. cigars [blunts] do you not have to un roll the outer leaf? like with dutches you have to unroll the outer leaf and same with games. right? ive never rolled a blunt and wanna roll a personal one so should i just get some Swisher Cigarillos? it would be filled with like .5g [dime] since i have low tolerance and i probably wouldnt even finish the whole thing so ya. because with cigarillos cant you just split, empty, fill seal. as opposed to un rolling the leaf, splitting, empty, filling, sealing, re wrapping the leaf? thanks
  2. Try an entourage. I've never personally used them but my friends say they're easy to roll and that they hit well.
  3. You don't need to unroll seizures like a dutch.

    If I were you I would go to a smoke shop and look for golden wrap papers. They are rolling papers made from tobacco, so it would be better size for a .5 blunt.
  4. If it's going to be so small, why not roll a joint? If I had to roll a joint/blunt, i'd prefer a join because I don't want to be inhaling tobacco.

    To answer your question try a zig-zag and pick your preference.

  5. Yeah dude use a swisher sweet. That's what I use and they taste pretty good. Just gut it, fill it, and roll it back up.
  6. White owl white grapes all day and night baby

    swishers get stale too quickly, white owls are aways perfect and fresh.
  7. but i was thinking rillos cuz im rolling a personal blunt.
  8. White Owl Grapes in the very very slight chance that I would ever roll a blunt. It's like a once a year thing.

  9. Hell yeah dude those are awesome. They're the same size as a swisher but taste so much better and like you said they don't go stale as fast.
  10. White Owl cigarillos man.
  11. Phillies? I think. IMHO the only blunts worth smoking(aside from using REAL non chemical cigars) are dutches and games. Anything else is either a bitch to roll or tastes like shit

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