What bong to get? Help Me!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by avey89, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Well, Im ready to spend some money and get a nice glass piece. I wanted to know if anybody had an opinion on weather to get a pipe with or without a percolator. Is a percolator really a must have? I want a roor green label, they dont have a perc in them and a lot of people say they are the best. So my question is roor green label or something with a perc?
  2. If this is your first bong I would suggest buying one without so you can appreciate it when you get a bong with perc.

  3. Roor isn't the best persay, just high quality. I personally like them. Quality glass needs to be cared for properly to retain its "qualities", lol. So, imo, 1 of the most important things you should ask yourself is how do you want to maintain the piece? sparkling clean(like cleaning once every couple days or so), infrequent cleanings(like between a week and 2 mos) or rarely(more than a couple mos)? If you don't want to learn the proper techniques to maintain it, i definitely wouldnt reccomend anything extravagant, like something that would be hard to get to w/ a soft sponge. Hard water stains (if left for 2 long are permanent), so if you get a perc, always use good water in it. Keeping a quality extravagant piece nice is work, imo, so i personally like simple. But now that i know these procedures, i might venture into something extravagant eventually. Hope this helps.
  4. #4 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
    I think you should save getting into perc'd tubes WAY later on down the road.
    Start slow, learn your glass, look online,compare prices,etc DO you homework!

    You want to first have a simple, solid setup, which will be your 'foundation' of sorts. Then you'll be ready to add an ashcatcher and try out all different tyes of bowls and downstems and ACs!

    IF you cheap out on a perc, and get something thats not really well made, QUALITY, you will get a harsh draggy hit and you will hate your piece.

    pro tip: Generally, you should never get a tube taller then 18" because thats the standard tall tube and is actually quite large and any taller will be harder to clean, store, and maintain.

    In addition, try to avoid tubes that are thinner then 5mm.

    Ideally, you'd want an 12"-18" tube(without perc) thats [atleast]5mm thick with a diffused downstem.

    How much do you want to spend on your setup? and dont be so quick to jump to bigger brand names like Roor!
  5. I say just go old school and let it ride. A straight 5mm tube 14 to 16 inches tall. with a diffused downtube and a slide. If you yourself want to spend the money for a RooR then go for it. But you can get by with a nice american made 5 mm setup for a little less. Just look around and find something YOU like, after all it is YOUR money you are spending.
  6. #6 Sidbenmore, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    Get an incredibowl and get the xl expansion chamber. Bongs don't work well I have one with 2 percs and one with none. If you're going to get a bong get one with 0-1 perc and don't get a ROOR.

    The incredibowl has a life time warranty, its unbreakable, conserves weed , and has less drag

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