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What are your three least favorite Pokemon?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Kenpachi Zaraki, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. I've been in a Pokemon mood the past couple days and I decided to make a thread about favorite Pokemon, but then I thought I'd change it up a little and ask which Pokemon you all fucking hate. Could be because they're useless in battle, or you just don't like the way they look.

    I ask you, denizens of GrassCity, if you could choose three Pokemon to slaughter and maim which ones would they be?

    Here are mine...
  2. WHAAA!?!?! Chikorita is awesomee

    My Least are...

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    All images from Pokemon Red and Blue :)
  3. Ditto, Porygon and Slopoke
  4. Weedle, Pidgey, Female Nidoran.

    EDIT: Whats with the hating on Porygon?
  5. Idk, I like Porygon
  6. my three least favourite were ghastly, that starfish one(first evolution) and raichu (pikachu was better)
  7. Lol, Porygon's stupid. He's like a blocky-ass retarded duck. Why anyone would want that on their team is beyond my comprehension.

    Plus he fucking made all those nice little Japanese kids have seizures. That asshole.
  8. Lol, Chikorita is my least favorite starter, but I think Bayleef's kinda cool, and Meganium is... I don't even know what Meganium is. Like a dumb fucking brontosaurus or something.
  9. The water one is my least favorite.
  10. ^^^ that shit made me laugh for some reason..

    edit: magikarp has to be my least favorite tho. that fool just splashes. duuuumb
  11. I LOVE Magikarp now ever since I figured out I could get a Gyarados from it evolving. Just capture a Magikarp and put it with the Pokemon Babysitters or give it an Exp. Share and at lvl. 20 it evolves.
  12. Psyduck, the stupid thing pissed me off.

  13. Jiggly Puff , Chancey, and Goldeen. As you may notice these are all from the older games, I havent played any of the new pokemon games unfortunately.

  14. stop fucking blamig porygon for that, it was pikachu! He fuckng thundershocked some ambulance antivrus shit, not porygon.

    My least favorite are

    The elelctircal ghost dude (damn WTF is it's name...)

    and pretty much anyone from gen 3 (less metang family, bagon family, and trapinch family)


  15. don't hate on chansey because you aren't lucky enough to get one:cool:
  16. #17 Cactus_budz, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    Goldeen, Mr. Mime, and Jinx. Most definitely Jinx. I mean, just look at this mother fucker!


    This thread reminded me of my bowl that looked like Weedle. Well, it looked like weedle untill i dropped it on the floor about 20 times.
  17. [​IMG]

    Harden my dick! I want my Butterfree already!!!!! :mad:
  18. Fav: Always was and always will be Gyarados.

    Least Fav: Pikachu, Jinx and Mr. Mime.
  19. #20 Kenpachi Zaraki, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    I feel it's foolish to hate on Magikarp. Yes, he's useless, but he does evolve into the OG of water Pokémon.

    EDIT: Plus, if you get a shiny one, he's gold and he evolves into a Red Gyarados; which is even better than a blue one lol.

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