What are your experiences with weed and meditation?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by LeBromancer, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Like the title says, what are your experiences with weed and meditation, together.
  2. I was able to feel a liquid type of energy pouring from the top of my head all around and down my body. I felt a large orb around my head and if i closed my eyes i could see my hands as green light even if put behind my head. It was like i could feel the inherent fields of energy of my hands and the things around me. It was an incredible experience.
  3. I've had many experiences.. out of body, realizations, and so on. Only a few of these have been beneficial to myself, as most of them were just illusions brought on by my own intoxication. Though, cannabis in small doses is very helpful for meditation in my opinion. Sitting down to meditate while stoned out of your mind isn't really the best idea if you expect to gain benefit from meditation.

  4. Define 'stoned out of your mind'? What kind of benefit should one be able to gain from cannabis enhanced meditation?

    Could you explain the difference between the beneficial and the illusionary ones?
  5. #5 Pupp420, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2013
    I meditate daily and I feel more connected with the earth when I'm high its also a lot easier to concentrate on my chakras and cleansing negative energy, random thoughts don't pop into my head and break my concentration like when I'm sober. Also when I meditate on my girls roots and veg growth they seem tk grow bigger, my friend told me that he medotated on his plants all the time and they grew huge ass nugs.
  6. Stoned out of your mind, meaning high enough to be severely intoxicated. In contrast to being only high enough to "chill out". Cannabis, in my own experiences, has shown to be a muscle relaxant, as well as a great way to quiet the mind. Too much cannabis makes my mind go wild and I become anxious and paranoid. This varies from person to person, though.

    Beneficial experiences would be ones that alter your life in a positive way. For example, I have had experiences where I saw and felt how connected other humans are to myself. I realized we all want happiness, but not everyone knows the appropriate means to achieve such happiness. We all feel pain, we all have doubt and insecurities. This has led me to become more understanding and compassionate to others, as well as animals and other beings. Illusory and useless projections would be those that do not benefit you in any way. For example, one time not too long ago I was sitting in my backyard under a big tree. I had decided to smoke a few chillums before my meditation so I did so, and then I began my meditation. A few minutes in I happened to open my eyes slightly and I looked directly in front of me to a large rock that was sitting underneath another tree. I began to see faces in the rock.. joyful faces, wrathful faces, faces that were in despair; the faces kept morphing into different facial expressions as well as different faces all together. While this was intriguing, it was not useful. These projections make for a good story to tell friends but they do not better my own understanding of this reality or my role in it, nor do they better my own actions. Thus, they are useless and should not be clung to. Although, even beneficial and useful experiences should not be clung to either.
  7. I think that the faces that you saw were trying to tell you that even though things may be inanimate that particles have and understanding of what's going on and react differently to when people have alternative perceptions of reality, like the two slits experiment where particles knew that they were being watched, mabye weed and unmentionables can alllow us to see particles in their natrual behavior, or they just act differently because were high, I could be wrong though.. I am fairly baked haha
  8. The faces could have meant anything. They could have been showing me emptiness, or how form is void, or maybe the unity of all things although they appear different. But in reality, it was just projections brought on by my being intoxicated..
  9. Yes, and thank you for answering my questions so well.

    The mind is a powerful thing. Hallucinations can be very interesting, but they are like dreams in many ways, and have no real meaning outside of the meaning one might give to certain dreams. You were almost 'tripping' there, and this means you are very sensitive to the altered state, probably brought about through your meditation practice. All things I can relate to.

    I agree that nothing should be held onto - I consider things like this 'for interest only'. These things and others happen now and again, and while they are interesting, they really just show a certain progress being made along the way. Encouraging, but not the thing that matters.
  10. I think they can even become distractions, so personally, I ignore them all together.
  11. Most cannabis lovers use weed to enhance meditation, when to me it makes more sense to use meditation to enhance weed.
  12. That is interesting. I had a similar experience while looking at the clouds. I saw many different faces, and many alien type faces, some reptilian. My girlfriend was pregnant at the time and and I saw a baby's face. It was interesting, but like you say, it was not useful.

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