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What are your Do's & Dont's . . .

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmotPoker29, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. when it comes to smoking weed with others? :p
  2. Don't ask to match with schwag to offer..:hide:
  3. Dont complain about the weed if you didnt put in any money :smoke:
  4. don't offer to roll, unless you can roll well
  5. Do offer to bring munchies :D:D:D
  6. Do: have an unlimited supply of weed.
  7. Don't torch the fucking bowl.

    I never say anything when someone does, but seriously now? Leave some green.
  8. Dont cry about someone torching the bowl. >.>
    You want greens? Ill load up another fucking bowl for ya. But ill hit it how i want
  9. do NOT, by any means, drop the blunt, joint, bong.

  10. I'm having an issue with this lately. The dude I smoke with the most has really been torching the bowl as of late, and its really annoying. Problem is, we basically started smoking at the same time he thinks we have equal experience. I think he'd be pissed off if I tried to correct his technique, but its getting really old losing so much weed
  11. Do make everybody pitch equal amounts of weed and take reasonable sized hits. Don't smoke with people who can not manage what I just mentioned.
  12. If its a serious issue, just ask to pack the bowl and do snappers for each of you. Its called a green hit for a reason -> every hit can't be a green hit.
  13. If you corner the bowl a lot more hits would be green....
  14. dont: slobber on the blunt or bong ( im guilty of drooling while smoking bongs)
    dont: start making decisions with the weed if you didnt pay for it. dont: put on music no one else wants.
  15. Do: smoke
    Don't: not smoke
  16. Don't, Always expect to smoke for free...
  17. people that say they got that fruit . WTF is fruit?
  18. dont be a fag if i tell you not to torch the bowl when you aint putting any weed in the sesh

    it doesnt matter which way we pass just whatever is easiest for everyone

    no sketchy people

    that is all
  19. #19 Free The BIRDS, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Dont use more then you need

    Do workout atleast every other day

    Dont let your weaknesses controll you (o it does)

    Dont waste (my heart dies everytime i see someone take a bong hit with more weed in there then they can take in... like damn man you rich? that could be saved for another time man... share it with me or somthing like go fukyoself)
  20. This goes for beginners, don't try to play Ask-1-billion-questions game. It's very annoying.

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