What are you..

Discussion in 'General' started by greeengirl420, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. thankful for?
    Everyone, everyday should take the time & realize what they're thankful for!

    I'm thankful for:
    My Family
    Beautiful souls
    Big pillows
    & of course my number one girl maryjane :D:smoking:
  2. If we should give thanks every day, then shouldn't we eat turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing every day too?
  3. ME




    these god awesome good looks..:eek:



    hmmm... Laughter
  4. Whatever floats your boat :cool::smoking:
  5. idk i dont have a lot to be thankful for cept friends and family. made some bad choices one after another and now im stuck without anywhere to go. tryin to get back where i was a few years ago when everything i did for fun not bein stressed all the time
  6. Kim
    my ears
    my cat
    my fish
    sex w/ weed LOL jk

    my real fuhrendz (which are like 4 people) :(
  7. Things will start looking up eventually, you just have to stick it out. You have a lot more to be thankful for than you realize so keep keeping on my friend because I'm thankful for YOU :D:smoking:
  8. And by "stick it out" she means to go out in public, whip out your willy and chase people :D.

  9. Your apathy is enticing; would you care to dance?

  10. *signals me to kick the record*
  11. Happy belated Thanksgiving or what?


    I'm extremely thankful for GC for teachin me basically all I know about another thing I am very thankful for: marijuana :D

    I'm thankful for a lot of things really.. A good solid roof over my head, money (just barely but it's there so I am very thankful!), food on the table, a car, friends who care about me, family... the list goes on.
  12. I would love to actually :yay:

    Which reminds me,
    I'm thankful for every single kind of dancing.
  13. :eek: Whoaaaa, you're a mean tease.
  14. well thank you miss lol, ive been holdin out and its like things start to look better and they never work out so its hard ya know, but ill be good haha

    haha dude i bet i could meet a lot of new ppl that way
  15. I am thankful for the ability to convert food into energy and that energy into "complex" thought and movement.
  16. my genome

    i love my mixture of artistic free thinking with mathematical reason

  17. Say whaaaaat? A girl can't dance? Oh come on :):smoking:
  18. I'll be your Fred Astaire if you'll be my Ginger Rogers.

  19. lol, girls are really the ones in control arent they...
  20. still figuring it out! :cool::rolleyes:

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