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What are you doing on 420?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SwiperNoSniping, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. What are all of your plans for 420?!
  2. Yeah i made a thread with the exact same question like yesterday..

  3. what i just started doing, i was gonna a while ago, but every time i pick up i take a nug outta each baggie i get, save them up for 420 and prob get a oz with it... i dunno about school but probably just bake all day
  4. dude you realize its January?
  5. I Possibly might not be able to do anything on 420
  6. Smoke? I don't know lol. I don't usually plan out my days 3 months in advance haha but, if I had to guess, I'd say smoke. Not really different from any other day though.
  7. I don't see why everyone is so big on 420? I mean I guess its cool that everyone smokes on a certain day of the year, but the date really has no significance(besides Adolf Hitler's birthday.) seriously it's just another day. and if you don't believe me, look it up. I've heard from many people that it stands for police code, or its Bob Marley's birthday. The only slight significance it has is that a couple of teenagers in the 60s/70s I believe used 420 as code.
  8. Dude me and my bros are having a bong building contest don't know why but were all going to get together and just rip there's going to be a prize i think were going to supply like a spoon bowl for the winner it's like Christmas dude it's going to be Ill
  9. Yeah same me and my buddies are going to make home made bongs
  10. #11 Anubis578, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
  11. I just finished a SPARKS 8.0% and i'm fixin on rollina dubee ^____________^ its not quite 4:20 yet! lol
  12. 420 is no more different than any other day! get that out of ur heads stoners.. ima b smokin a lil more weed and thats about it
  13. Yeah, you kind of have to take 420 for what it is. Just another reason for a stoner to light one up, and I'm all for that haha.
  14. Having a Cheech and Chong Bring-a-Bong.
    Everyone brings a decent chop and a home made/or awesome piece that's home made.

    Then just watch a bunch of cheech and chong. 20 Or so blazers :)
  15. If all goes well, I'll be taking a trip down to Miami to celebrate my cousin's birthday (with Nazi jokes throughout), and hopefully get hold of some high-end bud to smoke with him.
  16. #17 Anubis578, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018

  17. exactly. i heard someone say once that 420 is kinda like thanksgiving. sure, everyone eats everyday, but for one day out of the year, its almost an obligation to eat(smoke) a lot more than usual without any real reason or purpose.

    i fucking love 420.
  18. Think im just gonna get backed to f***

    Just read that... the homemade bong idea sounds awesome.... get a few mates round to do that XD

    My idea was have a party.... everyone brings like an 1/8 or something... puts it on a big pile, see how much we get... last one to pass out gets to have whats left...

  19. Same here. So far this year's been shitty. I'll either be in class or at work. Blaaaahhh

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