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What are we smoking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by VFL, Aug 18, 2023.

  1. I'm 79 and have smoked off and on since January 19, 1973. Nuclear plant work from 87 to 06 forced a break. We've traveled to Seattle and Denver so we've smoked some pretty decent stuff. All of our old local sources have moved away or died, so we went for a while without.

    In the state of Tennessee, CBD shops are selling a product that will give a nice buzz. A picture is included. My question is in the title. What's giving us that buzz? What's in this stuff?

    Attached Files:

  2. It's not just CBD, it also contains THC. You are getting high my friend! Lol

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  3. THCa is the chemical precursor to Delta 9 THC.

    It's THC with a Carboxylic acid group attached to it.
    You just add heat and it turns into straight Delta 9.

    No worries with THCa. It's good stuff.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. You could pop that THCA cannabis into a Seal-a-Meal bag and stick it into boiling water for 1 hour to change the THCA into THC! :GettingStoned: 100 degrees C = 212 degrees F, the temperature of boiling water

    “it is demonstrated that, at 100 °C, full conversion of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) into THC is obtained after 60 min.” 100 °C = the temperature of boiling water. From “Contactless decontamination of hair samples: cannabinoids” (abst – 2016) Contactless decontamination of hair samples: cannabinoids - PubMed

    Granny :wave:
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  5. As an old stoner, I'm aware of what gets me high. I also have a decarboxylization device from Ardent Products - Ardent Cannabis that I use to infuse coconut oil, used sublingual. This new product work just like cannabis, not as strong, but decent.

    In Colorado and Washington, we were smoking strains with 28 to 30% THC. The packaging on the product we're getting now says about 20%. THCa gets us high. What in this new product gets us high? Doesn't seem like there's enough THCa (0.2%) to produce a buzz.

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