Hey just curious if you guys would know why my leaves have stained white? These seeds have been grown in 30% perlite 70% coco coir that was soaked in a solution of calmag 7.5ml per gallon for 16 hours, changed the solution 8 hours in, and before planting i gave the coco a water with 8mls of canna a + b per 10 litres. Since then I've been watering them with 10 mls of canna coco A and 10 mls of canna coco b plus 1.5mls of added Calmag all mixed properly into 10 litres of ph'd water.
Gotta be true colour pics for anyone to be able to tell what’s going on and the first one is too blurred to see anything Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
White stuff is usually what is left after what you watered them with evaporates and can be easily rinsed off with distilled water. Or it is powdery mildew which can be cut away or if the white stuff is little white specs then that is a pest problem. In your case it looks like residue from your water. If you spray with distilled water and it returns then you know it is probably powdery mildew. If that was my plant I would not be worried. But I would spray it with distilled water. That is my new kick now, spraying with distilled water with a hairspray sprayer cures everything. Whenever I get worried I just spray. I feel much better now.