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What are these things?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cotawa, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I tried to look around the site to see what a few items are, can someone tell me what sploof , bubblers, and schwag is? And if I have questions like this, what is the best way to find the answer? I dont wanna keep bothering you.

    I'm happy to say that I 'found' another mmj patient (ran into her at the dispensary) and she has the same tolerance problem as me, been nice talking about it, cuz I've felt like such a freak! Everyone talks about feeling relief or getting high and not really caring about the pain, but for me I have to really use alot. I'm still hoping that as my pain level gets better, that perhaps it won't take as much medicine to do the trick.

    Hope you are all well...
  2. Sploof is something you exhale your hit into so that it does not stink. I have a carbon filter one i made. Others use dryer sheets.

    Bubblers are pipes that are hand held but filter through water like a bong. its more of a pipe though, less of a bong.

    Schwag is bud you get that is compressed, dirty, not appealing at all and smells like cat piss. Most likely from Mexico.

    Make sure to use the search function man. It will answer your questions faster than we will and the search function doesn't bitch when the same questions are asked over and over. :)

    Welcome to GC!
  3. A sploof is a spliff except rolled with cardboard.
    A bubbler is a pipe where you fill the tube with water.
    Schwag is the highest grade weed you can find. Better than dank.
    Hope this helps.
  4. LOL'ed at the sploof
  5. The word has alot of slang meanings.

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