What Are The Up And Coming Best Jobs?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheDaveP93, May 18, 2013.

  1. Please don't take this cocky. I was lucky enough to grow up in to a successful family and to be decently attractive and smart. When I was back in school I would get top grades without trying or studying. I'm good with people too and since I finished school I am stuck and don't know what direction to go in? I feel if I put all my effort in I have the potential to succeed.
    So my question is what are the jobs that are going to be the ones everyone wants in a few years time? For example stock brokers years ago were looked at as having a great job and making good money.

  2. male stripper,
    bitches love male strippers.
  3. #3 TehN3wbPwnr, May 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2013
    In legit all seriousness, look into the bio-medical engineer field. It's projected to grow like crazy by 2020.
    well what does a bio-medical engineer do you ask? Think Deus Ex. They design and build implants, prosthetics, etc. they also can go into surgery and work with the surgeon. It is a incredibly interesting field and even now with the abilities of stem cells to grow skin that can feel and grow ears, recently a little girl had an artificial wind pipe made for her, and there are the "bionic" limbs for amputees that will be the future as technology advances.

    It is one seriously interesting field, I was considering doing it but i don't have the money to afford the schooling, I'd suggest a co-op placement, you can be sent around the world depending on your program.
  4. Physical therapist
  5. #5 Boson-H, May 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2013
    meteorologist, astrophysicist, nuclear chemist, chemical engineer, general physicist.  they all make very very generous salaries, i think the lowest one would be meteorologist at 76,000 a year starting out (depending on who hires you, i know local TV stations might pay as little at $50k whereas broadcast mets get upwards of 230k).  they are so much easier than everyone expects.  they sound difficult, i mean nuclear chmist!? oh no.  but all it is is studying whats going on at a subnuclear level in chemical reactions etc.  the physics behind it is another job opportunity.  and you'll soundmad smart if you tell people you are the executive nuclear chemist lol
  6. anything to do with alternative energy is probally gonna be a big buisness soon
  7. Military Police. 
  8. kinda goes along with what i said ^^^ nuclear physicist, nuclear engineer/chemist, etc
  9. Anything to do with healthcare and IT, a combination of the two specifically. Learn to code. Learn data structure and analytics. Look at business process modeling.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. pretty much what i was thinking. lmao
  12. I know the pay isn't great, but organic farming is getting bigger and bigger.  If that lifestyle fits you...living simply, lots of hard work, not a lot of money but contentment in nature and bettering the world...might be something you'd like.  There are so few farmers now, without them we may have a very grim future.
    That is difficult to get in to but being on the business side of it would be a great place to get in to. Such as buying the organic food from farmers and delivering it to the market. Plenty of business plans  to choose from to do that. Be creative.
  14. come to think of it, i have noticed organic farming is starting to get bigger...theres actually some organic farm place near me, that teaches you how to run those types of farms
  15. @[member="nuketown"]
    lol that was the first thing that popped in my head, was the dude from family guy that said, "haha, its funny cause its true"
  16. engineer
    environmental/green stuff
    definitely lots going in fields of advanced science
  17. Dishwasher at the local pub sounds great for you my friend!
  18. Thanks for the good answers guys! I'll have a look into the science type jobs that were mentioned they sound interesting. Does anyone have any ideas for jobs that'd be good on the business side of things? That's another area I'd like to look into
  19. pretty much anything in healthcare. 
    my sister in law has been a ER charge nurse for yrs now and she makes over 100K/yr

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