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What are the health benefits of cannabutter??

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ElectricJW, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I'm sure some of the good chemicals in marijuana are extracted into the butter, but is there any research done on the actually health benefits of ingesting cannabutter (or any other cannabis infused tincture)?? For example, is it good for your heart, does it help protect the cells, etc?

    I found this, but the dude never gave his sources, so who knows.


  2. how does he know
  3. The longer you wait with this recipe the better the bud budder.Cannabis is prescribed to glaucoma patients to relieve eye-pressure and to sufferers of multiple sclerosis to stop or reduce muscle spasms.The truth is slow-cookers don't have the proper temperature to extract all the THC from you herb, so some of your bud will be going to waste.
  4. correct me if i am wrong .. but the liver filters blood .. and cannabis doesnt enter the blood stream as it is absorbed through the stomach when ingested .... also i believe you have to take a hallucinogen in order for it to be in your system (besides Dimethyltryptamine or dmt) .. which cannabis is not .. your body would send white blood cells to attack a foreign intruder also your body has cannabinoid receptors which handle the cannabis that goes into your system.. i know cannabis is psychoactive but not hallucinogenic .. . so to me it doesnt make sense for this guys quote to say it effects the liver in such a way to be affected for 6 months ... i just dont by it .. it sounds like this guy is speaking from 3rd hand information and it just sounds wrong to me .. please post your source so people dont immediately believe what you are saying .. thank yo
  5. it taste better
  6. Well the butter itself isnt great for you.

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