a member with high rep said "there are things i can say if i want rep" i want to know what things he could say
stop trying to gain and you will get. don't put on an "I want rep" facade and go around trying to get it. speak your mind in your posts and if folks like what you say you'll get some
ok, i dont try to be confrontational but sometimes people think i am. am i honest? idk maybe smoke weed i know for sure i do and i try to help people all the time but sometimes they're too dumb to get it and they get all mad. i feel like im the parent trying to teach a bunch of bratty kids sometimes and im not even an old person lol.... oh yea and im high
haha its like i instinctively feel like i dont tell people that like you know how you go to parties or wherever to try to hook up with girls and you keep thinking about how retarded they are but you dont say it idk if thats a good analogy
well i created this thread which compiles a list of things to put in a post to get rep, i think i deserve rep for that.