What are some good body weight workouts?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by wondersquirrel, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. So I'm really just trying to get more toned in my arms and abs, I'm pretty happy with my legs (I ride my bike 15 miles every day and practice Jiu Jitsu three times a week), so what can I do? I've heard side planks and diamond push ups are good. Any other suggestions?
  2. Wide grip pullups and once you start progressing you can start adding weight.
  3. Try supersets

    10 pushups
    10 situps
    10 wide pushups
    10 reverse crunches ---------------repeat 5-10 times
    10 tricep pushups
    10 left+right situps

    10 pullups
    10 pushups
    10 chair dips
    10 situps

    These are an amazing way to quickly raise the amount of reps you can do
  4. Slow and controlled lunges. It will strengthen your legs and increase your vertical more than any other leg exercise.
  5. burpees, chinese pushups, but the jiu jitsu (especially with a gi) should give you shoulder and arm tone, and ab over time.

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