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What are my leaves saying?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by YellowThumb, Jul 12, 2017.

  1. Autoflowering Widow day 32 growing in a 5 gal smart pot with ffof and perlite. Last watering was Sunday with 5ml micro, 10 bloom and calmag.[​IMG]

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  2. what is 10 bloom?
  3. 10 ml of his bloom nutes I'm guessing. And looks like you might have a deficiency starting. Can we get more info and pics?

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  4. I would guess nitrogen diff. The lower leaves are yellow and the top are still green.
  5. Recharge every 3rd watering, water until I see drainage. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  6. what's the runoff ph? it does look like a combo of chit being locked out ..usually do to the wrong rootzone ph that fluctuated low...your in soil so that runoff should say 6.5 to 7.2 ...
    let us know..


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  7. Nutes go in at 6.6, came out at 6.4

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  8. at what ec level? going in?


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  9. there's too.much ferts in that soil..
    causing deficiency of others...a deficiency doesn't mean it lacking that element.

    it's being locked out by excess of another .


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  10. Sorry for my lack of punctuality, thanks for your help! Is EC measuring the same as a TDS meter? With lockout in mind, could the apparent nitrogen toxicity be the cause? I've included a couple pictures. The plant goes into the ground tomorrow night, followed by a gallon of recharge, silica blast and calmag ph'd to 6.6.. so any other suggested ammendments/actions to help this issue would be greatly appreciated! [​IMG][​IMG]

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  11. Humic/fulvic acid supplements can help chelate and increase nitrogen uptake. Do you feed every watering? You may just not be feeding enough. A few pics also show magnesium deficiency. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate.
  12. Initially it was just recharge/calmag up until July 8th when yellowing appeared and I dosed first nutes: gh microgrow 5ml and bloom 10ml. Since then, on july 14th I fed a gallon of calmag, micro 8ml and bloom 16ml

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  13. That is about as much as I feed my large budding plants. That is quite a lot. hard to believe you feed that much micro since July 8th and still get deficient. Do you feed every time? I would give them 6ml/gallon of micro, 10ml's of bloom and 4ml's of cal/mag every day. Recharge has humic acid.
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  14. Oops haha, yeah I guess I found lucas to be odd when feeding autos while knowing others use the same formula on huge photoperiod plants.. You feed every day?? Are they in coco? I basically feed once a week, with every third watering being recharge instead. If you are in soil I feel like I'm not too far off because you are basically feeding slightly smaller amounts but way more often.

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  15. Keep in mind autos have a small/ weak root system compared to photos, it easy to overdose them and harder to correct said overdose, id back off them nutes a touch...
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  16. I use promix/perlite. It's very similar to coco. In fact my promix has probably 25% coco. It's peat moss, coco, perlite, dolomite lime, and organic wetting agents. I use rainwater so there's next to nothing in it. When I first started growing I would feed about every other time and I was constantly getting deficiencies. I also grow with DWC and so I can monitor my ppm/TDS. After doing daily monitoring for a while I was figuring out that I was starving my plants. I went to feeding everyday and I've had much better plant health since. I only feed just water if I notice a dark green color like too much nitrogen. I keep the feeding light enough though that really doesn't happen much.

    Feeding lite and often always beats high ppm strong feed in the end. Eventually the stronger solution will give you problems. If it's not straight up burn it's lockout. Once crystals start forming from buildup of nutrient salts they attract more material to build crystals until they build to amounts that negatively effect the plant.

    When you sell hydroponic nutrients you want to people to use as much as they can within reason. You can raise a plant with no deficiencies with about 50-70% what most nutrient companies recommend. In hydro you probably flush half of the nutrients you buy down the drain.

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