What am I doing wrong here??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Achilliess, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. For some reason which I cannot figure out is why all of a sudden the leaves have now started to droop as well as what I call clam shell closed. I can’t seem to find anywhere with quite the same issue as mine. I welcome any advice from any experience level as any experience is more than I currently have to my name. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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  2. Looks a lot like heat stress. Are you outside in the sun or under lights? The leaves will "taco"to try and reduce the surface area exposed to the heat source (light).
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  3. I am indoors I had a feeling it was overwatering and maybe too much heat from the light source I was using. I have the plant on my windowsill now after setting out all night with no light on it and it has perked right back up. Thanks for your help and info I really do appreciate it. I truly enjoy growing plants I am not even a big smoker but I just love the growing process and they are beautiful plants when flowering. Btw I got a new light last night that puts out wayyyy less heat but I try to give them actual sunlight as much as possible.
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  4. Yes they are a beautiful plant when flowered out. Hope all works out for you. I am growing outdoors for the first time this season. Looking forward to a plant growing natural. Something else would be the pot you are growing in. Clay or concrete pots are a no go because they will heat up enough to basically cook the roots. Cloth are best for breathing but some sort of wrap or insulation will keep the roots cool and growing strong. in the ground would be best but then you lose the option of moving your plants out of inclement weather. best of luck with your growing.
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